
Many people are confused between dental problems and the gum disease. They are not clear about what they are having? Whether it is any gum disease or tooth decay? So, when you notice any pink spot on your toothbrush, rush to the dentist. This stain shows that you are having any gum disease. Now the question is: What is gum disease? Inflammation in the gums refers to the gum disease. This inflammation is the major reason behind decaying of the tissues and bones of the gums and jaws. The primary cause of this gum disease is a plaque. Plaque is a yellowish layer full of bacteria that lined on one’s teeth and it irritates the most. The one common gum disease is Gingivitis.

Gingivitis Precedes Periodontitis
The initial stage of the gum disease is gingivitis. As I mentioned above, this is one of the most common gum diseases, so every next person is affected by gingivitis. Plaque is the major reason behind gingivitis. Bloody, swollen, and red gums show the symptoms of the gingivitis. You can halt gingivitis at the initial stage with the proper oral care and oral hygiene method. If you did not notice the plaque at the initial stage, it becomes tartar. Tartar could be dangerous for your gums. So, take the treatment first to get rid of the tartar. If you do not pay attention and left it untreated. The tartar becomes periodontitis with the time. This situation could be very harmful to your gums, supported bones and tissues. This could lead to tooth decay or permanent tooth loss. American Academy of Periodontology shows, over 47% of Americans above the age of 30 are having periodontitis.
The gum diseases are generally painless. They are hard to identify and realize. So, you should know all the symptoms regarding gum diseases. Following are the symptoms.
Some Common Symptoms for the Gum Disease
·       Bleeding from the gums while brushing your teeth.
·       Red and swollen gums.
·       The bitter taste of the mouth.
·       Chronic bad breath.
·       A slight gap between the tooth.
·       Loosening of the tooth.
·       Change in the shape of the teeth.
·       Loosening of the dentures.
Once you will have any gum disease like gingivitis or periodontitis, it is not easy then to get rid of. So, if you do not want your oral health to suffer, brush your teeth twice a day. In order to remove the plaque, flossing is very important. You should have professional dental cleaning twice a year for your healthy gums. Use any dentist’s approved toothpaste for your teeth that can fight well against the plaque and the bacteria in the mouth. Floss your teeth daily, it reaches there where a toothbrush can’t. Otherwise, it is not easy to control the gum disease.

Other Risk Factors Which May Cause the Gum Disease
Gum diseases sometimes do not only affect oral health. You might welcome some other health diseases if you are having gum disease. So, daily oral health should be more than just taking care of your teeth and gums. As per the research of the American Dental Association Mouth Health Site, diabetes and systemic illness can get worse, if you do not take treatment for your gum disease. Gum diseases are bad for some other reasons also.
Except plaque and tartar, there are some other risk factors which may cause gum diseases.  Some other risks from the gum diseases are:
·       Smoking.
·       Chewing of tobacco.
·       The medicines that are used in pregnancy.
·       Malocclusion of the teeth.
·       Genetics.
·       Bad oral hygiene habits.
·       Alcohol.
·       Cancer therapy.
·       Medicines that contain steroids and anti-allergic drugs.
·       Use of calcium pills.
·       Use of too much sugary products.
·       Use of too much dairy products.

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